Outage Update


Things went south when Docker said no to GKE. Google had to bring down the GKE clusters using the docker engine so I in turn had to bring up a new cluster running containerd.

The delay came from trying to push the current work forward rather than falling back to previous code. Eventually I gave up on trying to go the declarative route and started rolling things out how I did previously. A couple hiccups came up which could in turn explain some of the pitfalls with the declarative setup.

  • Versioning changed - Things went from alphav1 to v1 – its been a while.
  • The chart changed - It supports ingress out of the box so that took some configuring.
  • The DB changed - Still need to swap out mariadb for mysql. This will make me have to bring the sites down again - joy -_-

Working on a few more things like:

  • Updating and loading old content
  • Persistence between roll outs
  • Fixing all the customizations on the themes
  • Analytics
  • Disqus (comments)
  • Membership Setup
  • Ads